28 Agosto Cheryl Porter’s New Method 2021!! The Big 10di Rudy Fantin22 Agosto 202131 Agosto 2021 https://course.cherylportermethod.com/p/boom-the-big-10-vocal-workouts I’m really happy : today “BOOM! The Big 10!!” is out!!!!It’s the third Cheryl Porter’s Method I do together with the GREATEST VOCAL COACH IN THE WORLD!!!Big up to CHERYL PORTER!! #cherylporter #cherylportervocalcoach #vocalcoach #musicdirector #singer #keyboards #chelalè #provetu #rudyfantin Lascia un commento Annulla rispostaIl tuo indirizzo email non sarà pubblicato. I campi obbligatori sono contrassegnati *Nome * Email * Sito web Commento * Δ